Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Here Be Tribeca Reviews

While I have been eyelids-deep in Tribeca screenings over the past several days a few of my reviews went up over at The Film Experience that I haven't had the opportunity to link to properly, so let's rectify that! Firstly click here to read my review of the Lynchian teen murder mystery called Knives and Skin from director Jennifer Reeder, which is the sort of movie that burrows itself right into your brain with its strangeness.

Secondly I reviewed the documentary Ask Dr. Ruth right here, which takes a look at the life of famed sexologist Ruth Westheimer, who it should be noted lives in the same neighborhood I do in Manhattan, and it's been taking all my energy not to stalk her for a selfie ever since I found that out.

And finally you can read my review of the film called This is Not Berlin right at this link -- until yesterday (more on that one later) TINB was my favorite thing seen at the fest so far; it's a terrific queer coming of age tale following two teen boy best friends who slip into the New Wave art scene of mid-80s Mexico City. It's totally fab.

1 comment:

par3182 said...

i admire your ability to see so many films in such a short timeframe without confusing them; if i see more than two a month they're forever conflated. i'm still trying to sort out the plot of mary poppins, queen of scots, returns