Monday, March 04, 2019

Good Morning, It Happened

It turns out 1013 is my lucky number, because that's how many posts here at MNPP it's taken me to finally have a post about Jake Gyllenaal that is a picture of him and me. Don't let anybody tell you that perseverance doesn't pay off, kiddos! Of course none of those 1012 posts had anything to do with this happening -- turns out all I needed to do was wait for him to stage-door it at his latest play. But who's counting... anyway there are no details to share because 1) it's like the mysterious whisper between Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost in Translation, or 2) my brain went into a state of shock and I have no idea what was said or done in that moment -- it exists like a black hole in my brain. I'll let you guys choose your own adventure! Bonus: here's a picture of the Playbill I had him and co-star Tom Sturridge sign -- a fun game is trying to figure out which signature is to which person. 


Anonymous said...

Jason--What did you think of the play/ monologues? I'm going next week and have heard mixed reports.

Jason Adams said...

LOL oh right! The play! That happened too! :)

I thought Sturridge's piece was stronger than Jake's, but just a tad -- it's not as blunt with its themes, and some of the language that Simon Stephens wrote for Tom is just stunning. Nick Payne's piece is a little on the nose at times? But he does that thing he does, looping time in and out of itself, really well. Both actors are great though. I dug it.

JA said...

That’s amazing man! Congrats!!

Heather said...

Oh, my gawd!! I'm so excited for you! That is fantastic.

Paul said...

Finally! We've all been waiting for this day for years!!! Go Team!

Dougie said...

omg Jason -- so happy for you!

Laramie Dean said...

Congratulations!!!! That's amazing and I might be jealous and that's AMAZING.