Thursday, March 07, 2019

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


Simon said...

Christopher Robin, just watched it on Netflix

Jason Adams said...

CORRECT good work Simon :)

How was it? I haven't watched it yet (besides to grab these frames)

Simon said...

I liked it, but then again I’ve been a huge Ewan fan since Shallow Grave and Trainspotting, then later Pillow Book for obvious reasons. Wink

I’m also a sucker for anything Winnie the Pooh. I’m not really big on much Disney content, but there’s always been kind of a sweet melancholy to Pooh which I think the movie picks up on.

Matty said...

I just watched this last night, and I'm echoing that it's worth a watch. It's really great and I'm happy that the CGI doesn't make Pooh and his friends look creepy like every other live action film makes its cartoon characters come to life look.

Tom M said...

My two cents: it's a beautifully made (CGI is wonderful) odd sad bird of a little movie. Which felt exactly right for how non-Disney Pooh really is. They're all manic-depressives. And I cried like a baby within the first 5 minutes. It's not perfect but it's definitely worth a watch and a ponder and a sit on a log staring into space.

Ryan T. said...

I think everyone got it right on the money. The melancholic quality of it honestly made it worthwhile to me. Plus, like another bear (Paddington), Pooh is just so pure.