Monday, February 25, 2019

Heaven Can't Wait

Two new names have been added to the cast of the remake of the phenomenal British series Utopia -- Corey Michael Smith seen above (and seen more extensively at this link) who was very good this past year in the under-seen and under-valued film 1985 (read our review right here), and Dan Byrd, who you might know from the movie Easy A or the TV show Cougar Town (he was also very recently seen playing Kimmy's co-worker with the hella-fun parents on The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt). These two join the previously cast Sasha Lane of American Honey fame, which we discussed here; the show's being crafted by Gone Girl author and screenwriter Gillian Flynn (fresh off of Sharp Objects and Widows). I am hoping for good things, although the original is SO GOOD this has a lot to live up to. (Thanks to Bill for the heads-up!)

1 comment:

Petey said...

Corey can also be seen on the TV series "Gotham" (currently on its fifth and final season) playing a delightful Ed Nygma, a.k.a. The Riddler.