Friday, February 08, 2019

Good Morning, World

Like James Dean there I would prefer to still be asleep -- alas! We can't all be James Dean. In case you're wondering that's a photograph of Jimmy sleeping on an airplane -- I didn't stumble upon a secret cache of him-in-bed-with-hot-dudes pictures, sadly. No idea who his seat partner is but they sure do look cozy, don't they? Good friends, no doubt. James Dean was born on this day in 1931 -- feel free to scan through our archives for more of him. ETA thanks to commenter Joe K. for offering up some info on the friend...


Joe K said...

Looks like Leonard Rosenman--he did the music for East of Eden and Rebel without a Cause, and he and Jimmy were friends/lived together briefly (who knows what that does or doesn't imply).
You can see them together in this totally spectacular photo of Jimmy and Marlon Brando:

Jason Adams said...

Oh thanks, Joe K! Kick-ass info! I'm going to update the post with this :)

Anonymous said...

Les beaux hommes James Dean et Leonard Rosenman, portrait d'une intimité dans une amitié à bord d'un avion.:)
-Beau Mec à Deauville