Wednesday, August 22, 2018

John Cho Seven Times

I'm never really sure about horror movies that're as gimmicky on the surface as Searching appears to be - if you've seen the trailer you know it's all told via computer screen windows, as if we're staring at someone's laptop - but Searching has got two things going for it. One, the movie Unfriended already kind of did this same basic thing in 2014 and more importantly  it worked. (I can't speak for the sequel, which I haven't seen.) And two, the obvious one, the one you see here, being John Cho. We all love John Cho! Even my mom loves John Cho and she never knows who anybody is. So fingers crossed for Searching, then. Hit the jump for the rest of these pictures...


Pierce said...

I just saw American Beauty again. Haven't seen it since when it was first released and probably on VHS. John Cho plays one of Annette Bening's clients in it.

Ryan T. said...

Just saw a movie yesterday and for the first 30 minutes I had NO IDEA what prompted me to get this DVD from Netflix. Two minutes later suddenly John Cho appears in a suit and mystery solved.

billybil said...

This man has one of the best scowls in the business! Why is it so damn sexy?