Friday, April 13, 2018

Sverrir Gudnason Ten Times

It's been an awfully long drawn out release for the Borg vs McEnroe movie that's got our boy Sverrir here facing down Shia LaBeouf in tennis whites - just call it Battle of the Sexies! (Oh god never call it that, you'll be slapped immediately, and deservedly, if you call it that.) But it's finally out this weekend, and given the options - what, are you gonna spend money on Rampage? - you could do worse. 

We've posted some shots from the film and its trailer previously that make the movie's case. (And some shots of Sverrir himself that further the case along.) Anyway even without this Sverrir has got the Claire Foy led Girl in the Spider's Web coming out soon enough, so he's gonna be okay. You can read an interview with him here, and then you can hit the jump for the rest of this photo-shoot...

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