Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Good Morning (Technically), World

I hope you people are happy - I actually just rolled out of bed tonight, Ambien in full effect, after reading a tweet about this scene of Evan Peters jerking off for Billy Eichner in the latest AHS Cult episode, just so's I could make these gifs for all y'all to have when you get up. I'm the Keebler Elf of cum-shots. Good Morning!


Forever1267 said...

I would have preferred it the other way around, myself, but thank you! You are doing the Lord's Work here!

Anonymous said...

I still don't quite get why the emblem of right wing horror is supposed to be a blue haired Kurt Cobain alike. Is someone specific being parodied here that I'm too out of touch to know about?

Anonymous said...

Whatever you post here is the only part of AHS I'll see this year because I quit after 3 horrible episodes. I've watched all the previous hit-or-miss seasons, but this one jumped the proverbial shark BADLY. Evan jerking off is almost reason enough to return, but nope... I'll just stare blissfully at the gifs you post!

Aquinas1220 said...

I am really liking this season (critics be damned). Yes, the constant hysteria from the always great Sarah Paulson was wearing thin after episode 2. But this week confirmed for me how great these actors can be. The scenes between Evan Peter and the amazing Adina Porter confirmed my praise. Although I WAS hoping to see Evan and Billy get it on