There are two things that need to be said about these pictures of Kit Harington hanging by the pool in Greece. Number one - I really fucking love those swim trunks. I really fucking want those swim trunks. He doesn't even necessarily need to be wearing them at the time - in fact he could take them off and hand deliver them to me. (No I didn't say you could put something else on while you do that, Kit.) Number two...
... Kit has been working out his butt. You might not see it, but I see it, and you should trust me. I am a connoisseur of such things. Anyway this gives me hope that the next season of A Game of Thrones will finally get Jon Snow out of the cold, out of those furs, and be on full display as he fully belongs. (Blooper reels notwithstanding.)
I mean when I saw the first batch of these pictures I wasn't even planning on posting them because yes we know Kit looks good shirtless by a pool and yes I love those shorts but they weren't totally grabbing me. Then I saw the above fully-clothed but butt-centric pictures, and I was... grabbing him. With my eyes, at least. Yadda yadda yadda hit the jump for another dozen or so...
Sorry, I don't get the attraction to him...ick.
He'd be so hot if he wasn't short. He also looks like the type to really blow up if he goes for a few weeks without working out. Ectormorph to the max.
I just shouted "HOLY CRAP!" when I saw the clothes pics of him.
The above commentors can suit themselves, more of that ass for me!
The bloody hair is such a turn-off!
He really should get some more color, as he's so white and pasty
I just wish the trolls would just keep the nasty comments to themselves. The rest of us are filled with lust at any view of Kit
Some of the derogatory comments should be blocked or filtered. Kit is a fine specimen and should be celebrated. I'm guessing that those people are less than perfect and need to get out of their bubbles.
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