Monday, July 25, 2016

Good Morning, World

Even though I lightened this shot up considerably it's always night at the Night's Watch... I s'pose, if we're being a stickler about the "Morning" theme of these posts, I could argue this scene represented the dawn of a new day for Jon Snow, or something... anyway let's set that aside for just this once and luxuriate in this shot from the Game of Thrones blooper-reel that aired at Comic-Con over the weekend. Blooper? I hardly know her...

Seriously though this is no blooper. How dare they ever classify that as a blooper. It's an affront to all things non-blooper and blooper alike to classify that as a blooper. Bloopers unite! Fight the blooper-archy! Et cetera, et cetera. Here's the full video:

And one more for good luck:

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