Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Here's Some Gay Stuff

You've probably seen this by now but Ewan McGregor got adorably testy on Stephen Colbert's show the other night when the "controversy" about the gay stuff in the upcoming Beauty and the Beast came up -- watch the clip!
Jesus I love that man so much.

In related "Gay + Colbert news" (because there's never enough of that) Finn  Wittrock was on the show this week promoting that lil' play of his called The Glass Menagerie Starring Miss Sally Fields and Finn pretended that Sally wanted a kiss from Colbert when it's clear, it's written all over Finn's adorable face, that he wants Stephen's lips on him the whole damn interview. Stephen, reading a room, obliged!

Watch the video right here. This is of course only Stephen's most recent time making out with a Young Male Starlet -- back in January he also planted a wet one on Andrew Garfield. Please make this a thing! Jimmy Fallon has made a cottage industry out of flirtatiously soaking his hot male guests with water (see one example here and another example here) or other such first grade giggly antics -- I want Stephen to just cut through the bullshit and tongue these fellas right there. After all the years of young actresses being ogled on the straight man centric talk show circuit it's payback time!

1 comment:

Tom M said...

I still believe that one day I will meet Ewan McGregor and he will fall in love with me. As sure as the sun will rise. I must believe. (Have you seen his motorcycle documentaries? He is just the best.)