Thursday, January 05, 2017

Look Whose Back

I figured, or I had a feeling (I had a lot of feelings, actually), that we'd get some more shots of Jake Gyllenhaal on vacation this week after I went and posted 100 of them Tuesday, but that's the way the cookie crumbles - I'll just post more when there are more! 

And now there are more (thanks to ever delightful IHJM) and not to be too crass (hahahahaha) about it but he's, ahem, definitely letting Lil' Jake roam free this time. (And these are really HQ shots so make sure you click to embiggen.) And with that hit the jump for more...


Anonymous said...

what a hunka hunka hairy love! I hope he doesn't shave his pubes off.

Saggie Gyllenhaal said...

Lol that awkward situation where you think you're too hot to spend the rest of your life with one person so then times passes and before you know it, you end up with a dad bod even though you ain't a dad. ;D