Friday, November 18, 2016

Good Morning, World

Yesterday was Rock Hudson's birthday and we wished him a happy one in the morning with one of these posts then but when we did we said that it was a runners-up version because the clip we really wanted to use wasn't downloading properly -- well I finally got it downloaded in the afternoon so why not share it now? Why not! It's Rock Hudson in nothing but boxer shorts, after all - there is literally no reason not to share it right now.

So these gifs are from Rock's 1961 movie Lover Come Back with Doris Day and Tony Randall (Tony Randall is watching Rock dress because what would a Rock Hudson movie be without some skimming-the-surface homosexuality?), which I have never seen. Have you seen it? I feel as if I could really use a Rock & Doris movie this weekend so maybe I'll watch it.


par3182 said...

watch 'send me no flowers' instead - rock and tony go cruising giant hunk clint walker as a prospective new husband for doris ['cause her husband rock is a hypochondriac who's convinced he's dying]. plus paul lynde is in it!!

Jason Adams said...

The problem with Rock/Doris movies is I watched them all back in High School so I have seen many of them but they have all kind of blurred together (they are pretty similar, to be fair) into one big pink blur

joel65913 said...

Prime Rock Hudson in his underwear is okay any day!

Lover Come Back is my least favorite of their three following Pillow Talk and Send Me No Flowers in that order but it's a cute movie on its own. If you've never seen it I say go for it, Rock & Dodo have an extended beach scene so if for nothing else there's that.

olins said...

After you see those you should check out "Down With Love". It spoofs them to perfection.

Jim Steele said...

I concur.