Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Happy International Idris Day

I was hoping that some new shots of Idris Elba in his upcoming boxing reality show would drop today (slash every day forever and ever) for his 44th birthday and I could share those (see the previously released ones starting here) but since we don't have that we'll go with a couple other things of the Idris sort. First off...

... Tom Hiddleston won some award for The Night Manager over the weekend and he accepted the award from the set of the new Thor and his pals Chris Hemsworth & Mr. Elba were there to giggle like schoolgirls and paw at him a bunch -- you can watch the video right over here. I guess this means Heimdall (Idris' character Idris in the Thor movies) will be showing up! Good!

I bet these three had a good, good time celebrating Idris' birthday this weekend. (Sigh.) Next up this is a couple of weeks old but I missed it -- a few new pictures from Elba's forthcoming Stephen King movie The Dark Tower were released and there's nothing super enthralling but you can check them out over here.

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