I really wanted to add Alejandro Amenábar's stone-cold classic ghost story The Others -- which came out on this day fifteen years ago exactly! -- to my "Great Moments in Movie Shelves" series, because clearly that haunted house movie, with its gothic mansion full of bookish children closed off from the world, must have had a nice big old-school library in it... right?
Or maybe not! Correct me if I am wrong (I don't have my copy of the full movie with me so I'm going off of clips on YouTube and scattered image searches) but I can find no evidence of library in the movie, which seems odd, very odd! Books themselves actually play a really big part in the film - the opening sequence (which you can watch above) renders the characters as old-timey illustrations in one, and over the course of the film the kids are always reading. And most importantly there's that "Book of the Dead" that the entire plot hinges upon...
... but no library. Doesn't that just seem like an odd choice? Almost like a purposeful one, even. There are things the characters can't see because of, you know, their condition - maybe the library is off limits to them? Knowledge, advancement, and what not.
Or maybe I'm just missing / forgetting the scene in question. I'll check it soon, since this is a movie very much due for a re-watch, I don't think I've sat down and watched it in several years. Are we all fans? We all should be fans. Even after seeing the film once and its secrets were well known I still found the story, in several re-watches over the years, entirely captivating. The atmosphere is so rich and the performances, especially Nicole Kidman's, so on point.
Or maybe I'm just missing / forgetting the scene in question. I'll check it soon, since this is a movie very much due for a re-watch, I don't think I've sat down and watched it in several years. Are we all fans? We all should be fans. Even after seeing the film once and its secrets were well known I still found the story, in several re-watches over the years, entirely captivating. The atmosphere is so rich and the performances, especially Nicole Kidman's, so on point.
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