... you piece of shite!!
McG's classic film (that phrase makes me laugh, forgive me) Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle came out way way back in 2003, so I never got the chance to properly gif the shit (excuse me, the shit) out of this scene, in which Drew Barrymore's ex Seamus O'Grady (I can't tell if he's meant to be irish or not) and his gang o' thugs show up to beat the shit (dammit, there I go again -- the shite shite shite) out of her and her gal-pals.
This shall not stand! Today, aka the 45th birthday of Justin Theroux, seems as good as time as any (better, even) to remedy that. Hit the jump for all the Seamus you can o'handle...
There are those moments where your sexuality is renewed. Theroux coming out of the fire all sweaty and ripped and me drooling in the cinema was one of them.
GOD he was so fucking hot in this. And unfortunately never really exploited that killer bod in the same way again. It looked for a while there that The Leftovers might at least give us one shirtless scene per episode, but that stopped after like Episode 2. I remember going off on a rant about it at the time, but the show totally won me over (CARRIE COON! CARRIE COON!), so I have forgiven it.
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