On the left we have Billy Magnussen on the set of Into the Woods (see some other pictures from that 2013 set here) and on the right you have Chris Hemsworth on the set of the Woodsman sequel several months ago. How have I not asked this question yet?
In tangentially related news, it looks like Hemsworth has been pap-snapped at the beach again! Much like Hugh Jackman back in the day this is a generous occurrence - these Aussies built like gods sure do love to show it off, bless 'em. Hit the jump for just about twenty or so more pictures...
I pick Billy. I love Chris but Billy's pants are tighter and leather pants should be tight.
Billy. Give it to the man who can actually fill them out.
Are you kidding me? Hemsworth, hands down. That man is a work of art. Billy is cute but Chris is one of a kind
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