Thursday, October 03, 2013

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... bending my knee to the two princes.

(via, thanks Mac) I may have asked this before (slash every time that Into the Woods comes up) but what are our chances that the two princes end up together in the end? I've never seen the musical before. And here's two more shots of Billy Magnussen in his snug leather drawers...


will h said...

Holy Cheez-Its.

Jon said...

Into The Woods is one of my all-time favorite musicals. I am quite excited about it, even though I was not happy how Rob Marshall handled Nine. The two princes do share two duets, so imagine the screencap and gif potential to be had with Chris Pine and Billy Magnussen singing in each other's faces.

Dave said...

They really look like Siegfried & Roy

billybil said...

Wait - does this mean we would have been seeing Jake Gyllenhaal in snug leather drawers?! Jake's not as pretty as Billy but my oh my I would have preferred Jake over pretty any day!