Thursday, March 03, 2016

Which Is Hotter?

It's George Miller's 71st birthday today and we wish he could be celebrating with a much deserved Oscar statue for directing Mad Max Fury Road, but the Oscar gods are assholes, so we'll just wish him a happy day ourselves. Anyway I'm sure he's pleased plenty with that mini-sweep his movie made at the show the other night, especially given how insane it is for a movie like his to win anything from that bunch of stuffed turkeys. On that note, I double- and triple-checked this and it's crazy but it appears to be true: I have never polled y'all the following question! Craziness!



Adam said...

Anyone who says Tom Hardy was hotter than '70s Mel Gibson is a filthy liar.

Pierce said...

1970s Mel was hot, but we now know what a homophobic bigot and a sexist asshole he is, so Tom Hardy wins!

Aquinas1220 said...

This was a Sophie's choice. Mel in black leather was beautiful... almost more so than a scruffy ragamuffin Hardy. But I hate Mel so much so I had to vote for Tom