If I'd known that Maxim magazine had pictures of hot furry guys underneath of all those hot girl covers I might have picked up an issue before today (sidenote: deepest apologies to a friend of mine who works for Maxim) but this photo-shoot of Ethan Peck -- someone we've been ogling for several years now -- is enough to make us wonder what else we've missed. (thanks Mac)
The entire interview with Mr. Peck (yes he's that other Mr. Pekc's grandson, in case you didn't already know that) isn't online but you can read a snippet here -- Ethan has apparently joined (or is joining) the cast of Empire? Oh bless you, Lee Daniels, you best take advantage! We are relying on you for full "Zac Efron dancing in the rain in tighty-whities" realness. Anyway hit the jump for the rest of the pictures...
( O _o) That chest hair have save my life... DEAR GOD! (o_ O )
Very nice. I don't see too much of Gregory there excepting the build and those eyebrows.
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