Today I'd rather be...
... experiencing a high with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Everest has been out on blu-ray for a few weeks now and I haven't gotten around to capping the incredibly brief, incredibly disappointing shirtlessness from Jake. Okay okay -- Jake is shirtless, which is by definition the opposite of "incredibly disappointing." But given the fact that we saw paparazzi shots of Jake naked, bare ass in the breeze, save an eensie taped pouch over his Gyllenhaal Junior, "incredibly disappointing" is nevertheless how it felt seeing the final film and seeing this scene got cut. Heck even the little bit they showed in the trailers was excised! That's some shady business. Anyway Jake Gyllenhaal Shirtless is Jake Gyllenhaal Shirtless so hit the jump for a few more gifs and let's hold out hope that someday somehow that footage surfaces...
I felt the same way. What is even the point of having Jake in your movie if he's not going to be full-on eye candy? I thought he was the lead before seeing it, but it turns out he's barely even in it.
I have this on my Netflix queue when it comes out on there later this month. Glad I read this first so I won't be disappointed and incessantly wondering when That Scene finally shows up. It was bad enough when the knife fight between Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker that was included in the trailer for The First Wives Club all those years ago ended up getting cut from the finished film. I kept thinking then that surely there must be more to the movie because we haven't seen the knife fight yet but then the end credits rolled...
I need a werewolf Jake movie. That man just looks so much hotter with his fur on.
Shady shit doesn't begin to describe this. It's basically false advertisement, is what it is. How can you use that to sell a movie and then decide, "naw, fuck it, they ain't gettin nothin, that scene goes in the vault". And trust and believe that the chance of seeing Jake Gyllenhaal's hairy naked ass is the ONLY reason I'd pay to go watch a fucking movie about mountain climbing. I want my money back!
Luckily the Zac Efron nudity from Dirty Grandpa is even better than what the trailers implied even though Dirty Grandpa is "THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE" and "SO BAD IT MAY SERVE AS A CATALYST FOR ALL OUT NUCLEAR WAR". I thought it was okay, definitely on par with films of it's ilk but ooooh it stars ROBERT DENIRO so they were expecting The English Patient...but with bongs and drunk college girls, I'm guessing? :/
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