Friday, February 12, 2016

Boyd Holbrook Eleven Times

Surprised that I missed this very fine shoot of very fine model turned actor Boyd Holbrook by photographer Fe Pinheiro back in December in Flaunt magazine -- it seems like the sort of thing I would be right on top of. Much like Boyd himself, that way!

And he looks fab as a clearly-Clairol'd ginger, but then, as proven by that endlessly gratuitous post we did on him last year, Mr. Holbrook can pull off any and every look you throw his way. Well-gene'd bastard man. Hit the jump for the remainder...


Luke said...

Some photos from Boyd's modeling days (including boy on boy action). Not sure if you've seen these:

J.D. said...

Those are the most incredible eyes I ever seen

dre said...

And he's like 7 feet tall! I think he might be deep cause he was dating the "Down to Earth" Olsen sister.