It really doesn't matter the circumstance -- when you're looking at Michael Fassbender, you're thinking about fucking. I suppose he's not fucking or being fucked in that shot above, he seems to be in awe or pain regarding something on the breeze above him, but I'll be goddamned if he isn't making fuck face. Anyway, new X-Men trailer!
I love the part where Magneto makes Xavier's wheelchair float to him - god forbid anything like the Apocalypse (both event and person, I suppose) come between their love affair. (More fucking.)
Also this:
"Ballsy" is a word that could be used re: that shot of the WTC in the middle of X-Men's destruction pic.twitter.com/l9lnF6mYqz
— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) December 11, 2015
And the reveal of how hot James McAvoy looks without hair, which makes me feel confused about why they ever insisted he have hair for these movies at all. If he was gonna look this good why'd they have him look any way else this whole damn time?
In summation...
Fuck yeah.
I can't stan the trend of Lana del Rey singing in every goddam trailler!
I'm really not feeling the Apocalypse look. I know they tried to be faithful to the comics but he looks weird and not menacing at all. Then I remember it's Oscar Isaac under all that blue paint and stuff, and I wonder what the hell Bryan Singer was thinking.
Plenty of good actors. But it's all noise.
I'm actually excited for that 80s hairdo
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