I love the way how even just as a poster Billy Eichner is eyeballing Zac Efron's ass in these pictures from the set of the Neighbors sequel (via) - all is as it should be! Anyway I don't have anything much to say about these pictures of Zac rocking some short shorts like only Zac Efron can do, I've used up all of my oh so clever triple entendres regarding him and his varying degrees of public nudity on movie sets for at least the next couple of months thanks to moments like this and this and this and this (see?) so let's just take a break from our days and hit the jump and stare, simple straightforward leering, no fuss... maybe some muss though, depending on how much you like staring at Zac Efron in short shorts...
Were you taking a piss by putting the words 'eyeballing' and 'Billy Eichner' in the same sentence?
I'm all for you posting loads of pictures of Zac Efron. Hell, you could post every frame of any movie he's making. I wouldn't mind a bit. I also like the way someone "leaks" all the pictures from the set. But what happened to all the pictures I was expecting of him from that wrestling movie? I'm waiting for those. Eagerly anticipating more Zac in spandex!
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