Friday, October 30, 2015

Rich Twink Inc.

I'm pretty sure you can scramble up the letters of "Ansel Elgort" and get "Taron Egerton" so it makes sense these two twinks would decide to work together -- it's cosmic! They're going to star in The Billionaire Boys Club, which is based on the true story of two 80s super investors who rose to riches as quick as they fell, what with the drugs and the murder and the [fill in the blank, you know how this story always goes]. I figured this was based on a book but it doesn't appear to be - instead there's a 1987 NBC mini-series with Judd Nelson? Eesh really digging deep here, people. 


das buut said...

Only if they're going to have sex with each other. Otherwise, I've seen this done before and will have to pass.

Pierce said...

I saw it when it was on TV. All I remember about it are a scene where the boys all make an entrance driving Mercedes, and that Judd Nelson had cut his hair after Breakfast Club. That's about all I remember, too. It didn't make that much of an impression on me.