Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tie A White Ribbon Round The Ol' Oh Me

No matter what Pixar's smash-hit film Inside Out tells you, memories are not hard little marbles that project their play-scenes out exactly the same every time. (Hey somebody wrote a whole thing about this!) So when I tweeted out the following the other day...
... it just goes to show ya how the brain can be funny like that. I may have felt nestled in Michael Haneke's lap listening to his soothing Germanic whispers but it turns out I was actually a couple of rows back, and on the opposite side. How do I know this? Because now there is video!

(thanks Mac) When I tweeted out what I tweeted there was only a podcast version but now there's video - I could only spot myself twice therein though, and barely at that. (Am I a ghost?) At about 9:37 I can be glimpsed in profile at the far right of the frame...

... hey that's me! And then you can see the top of my head at 11:14. Isn't this exciting? Proof that I was once in a room with Michael Haneke! And he talked about something or other and more something or other and who cares, ME!

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