Friday, June 19, 2015

Jake Gyllenhaal Takes A Pounding Like A Champ

It feels pointless of me to skip skimming reviews of Southpaw since the trailer gives away 99.9 percent of the plot, but really what do I need to know that Jake's perfectly sculpted torso couldn't tell me already? I was there the second the words "Jake Gyllenhaal" and "boxer" were slammed together. But from what I have gathered not skimming the first few reviews of Southpaw, Jake is very good in the movie while the movie itself is sort of generic. Yeah, I kinda figured. Who cares! Jake's a boxer! Look at him for god's sake!

So anyway The Playlist has a whole slew of new pictures from the movie; I gathered up the most Jake-riffic ones, and you can see them after the jump...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was one great film of Jake Gyllenhaal. I hope I can watch this film. This makes me feel excited to watch this movie.