Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Black Lake of Björk

I trust each and every one of you went out and bought yourselves a copy of Björk's new album Vulnicura after I told you it was wonderful, right? Right. And we've all been listening to it in our bedrooms, feeding the gnomes that live in our walls and dancing on our tippy-toes, of course. Well set that stuff aside for just a moment and watch that video above, which is the preview for Bjork's upcoming massive retrospective at MoMA, mkay? Mkay.

The show opens in just a couple of weeks on March 8th, right around the time her run of several shows here in NYC begins as well - I'm holding out hope that since she'll be in town anyways part of the exhibition will be Björk in a glass box a la Tilda... only, it being Bjork, she wouldn't be just be laying there still - she'll be pulling her skin off like a rubber suit and hula hooping with it and she spits toothpaste through fur teeth. You know, Björky stuff.

I was at MoMA this weekend and noticed they've already got the book for the show on sale in their gift shop; you can pre-order the book at Amazon (buyer's tip: it's about 15 bucks cheaper on Amazon then it is at the gallery) but it's not released there until the end of March. The book looks pretty swank though, so if you're a Björk fan, whether you're going to the show or not, you're probably going to want to snap up a copy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I make a lot of musically inspired ice cream, many are of Björk songs. I wish there was a way to show you a picture of my Black Lake ice cream!