Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Good Morning, World

A happy 33 to Eddie Redmayne today! These shots of him getting the standing tub treatment are from the miniseries The Pillars of the Earth, which I have not seen - I have seen the movie Eddie very well might get an Oscar nomination for this year, the Stephen Hawking bio-pic The Theory of Everything, and I haven't written a word about it! But then... I don't really have many to offer on it. It's a fine movie, and Eddie's good in it; it's just it - along with The Imitation Game for that matter (although TIG pissed me off some) - strikes me as pretty, middle-of-the-road Oscar-bait without a whole lot of personality that will outlast this golden statue season. I guess we'll see. The most memorable things to me at this point several weeks out are the sweaters and Charlie Cox being, well, you know, Charlie-Cox-ish (aka the king of adorable). Aww this isn't the most ringing birthday greeting for Eddie now, is it? Will you ever forgive me, Eddie's bum?

1 comment:

joel65913 said...

If you've read the book The Pillars of the Earth the mini-series is the worst. It completely reworks the story and not to its betterment. Despite the cast I was bitterly disappointed in it.

If you haven't read the book it still was pretty average but both Eddie and Oliver Jackson-Cohen drop trou so that's something.