Monday, December 15, 2014

Fiddle Dee Hot Damn

You've probably already read this some place but today's the 75th anniversary of the premiere of Gone With the Wind! I only saw it a couple of years ago myself for the first time; its length and my own deep-fried Yankee-ness had kept me from it before that. But damn it's a watchable thing. So in the film's honor today's "Beauty vs Beast" is tackling the movie, specifically the men in Miss Scarlett's life, so head over to The Film Experience and give a damn, dammit.


Anonymous said...

I think, were you to have to choose the greatest performance by a woman ever in the movies, it's hands down Vivien Leigh in Gone With the Wind. Scarlett O'Hara has to hold your interest for almost four hours and she certainly does.

I reread the book this Fall and her Scarlett is spot on. She captured so many of the moods and textures given her by Margaret Mitchell.

One of the five greatest American films of the sound era. (The other 4? Actually 5. Citizen Kane, The African Queen, King Kong, All About Eve and Sunset Blvd.)

Bill Carter said...

If I were to have to choose the greatest performance by a woman ever in the movies, it's hands down Vivien Leigh, too. But for A Streetcar Named Desire.

According to Shaun Considine, Bette Davis vetoed the casting of "...the very British Miss Leigh" in the campy Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte, because Davis claimed the embodiment of Scarlett O'Hara and Blanche Du Bois could not convincingly play a Southern woman.

PS Anonymous--You have really good taste in movies