The holidays are here and by "the holidays" I mean Halloween, Halloween, this is Halloween - you know that scene in The Nightmare Before Christmas where the folks of Halloween-town prepare their version of Christmas with mallet-smashed bats and severed foots still in their stockings? Well keep that in mind as I unload upon you the best horror-themed gift you're gonna give or receive this season - meet the Travelogue of Horror!
It's a travel book put together by photographer Tony Urban, who ventured around the US visiting a ton of horror movie locations, photographing them, and giving up the goods. Honestly I let out all kinds of happy sounds flipping through this sucker. Y'all know it's right up my alley; whenever I take my own trips I try to do something like this - here I am at the cemetery from Texas Chain Saw Massacre and at the bar from Death Proof, both in Austin, and at the waterfall from Just Before Dawn, which is outside of Seattle, for a few examples:
That's really nothing compared to what Urban's compiled though. The campgrounds from a couple of the Friday the 13ths, the woods from The Evil Dead, the stairs from The Exorcist (hey I've been there), the mental hospitals from Session 9 and Silence of the Lambs, and on and on - this thing is killer. Urban includes tons of photos from the locations, along with essays on his visits plus practical information like where they're located. I feel like I'm going to be consulting this thing for years to come - every trip I take here in the States will have to be checked against it!
Seriously, if you have a horror-geek in your life (and I hope you do), they want this book. If that horror-geek is you (and I hope it is), you want this book. It's a must!
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