Thursday, September 04, 2014

It Has Begun

I know it's been strange that I haven't mentioned that the Magic Mike sequel begun filming this week til now - I was waiting for something a slight bit more substantial than Steven Soderbergh's clapboard to present itself, and lo behold Channing Tatum's nip-slip totally counts. That's the head stripper of the class in Los Angeles; isn't this thing filming elsewhere though? I wonder when the stripping proper starts? There was that open casting call in Atlanta for folks to play audience members that went around but I was too depressed, knowing it wouldn't be me, to pay much attention. Woe, for this will never be me...

Know despair.


KC said...

I will never EVER get tired of that Matt Bomer gif. I have never envied anyone EVER as much as I envy the girl who gets to grip his ass and have him thrust in her face. Her and Bomer's husband, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I found the first movie boring. I hope this one is more fun.

Derreck said...

I feel sorry for the woman in that gif. How can any experience ever compare to gripping Bomer's ass and having his package in your face? Plus, that can't have been the only take. I mean, that's pretty much the apex of your life. It's all downhill from there.