Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Hard Candy Kubrick-mas

A lot of movie-geeks are going to get their stockings stuffed but tight and good this holiday season! Yesterday we told you about that Criterion boxed-set of Jaques Tati's six masterpieces, and a few weeks ago we learned about both that beautiful Herzog boxed-set (which is out TODAY, swoon, must have) as well as a slew of Lil' Stevie Spielberg's movies coming to blu-ray at last... and now here comes a humdinger of a collection from that dude who Spielberg stole A.I. from once he was dead, huzzah!

On November 4th Stanley Kubrick: The Masterpiece Collection will hit the streets, as the saying goes; it's ten discs of material including several docs and then the films, oh god the films - Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Barry Lyndon, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket and Eyes Wide Shut. It's an excellent time to be a movie nerd, y'all. Have I missed any good sets coming out soon?

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