This comparison between Hugh Jackman's body in 2000's X-Men and this year's X-Men: Days of Future Past has been making the rounds on Tumblr, as has this pointed comic strip...
... I'm fairly certain his more youthful body will win this contest but I do feel as if we ought to keep a couple things in mind. One, he was only 31 when the first X-Men movie was filmed and while he was certainly no slouch, working-out-wise, he didn't have a decade and a half of psychotically intense training behind him as he does when we get to the present. And he's in his mid-40s now. Secondly, I remember when the first X-Men movie came out there was a ton of griping about him not looking like Wolverine in the comics.
Well he looks much more like the comic version now!
All of this blathering has been brought to you by the fact that I just noticed that Amazon has got the entire X-Men saga - not including DoFP obviously, but the first three X-Men, the two Wolverine movies, and X-Men: First Class - on Blu-ray on sale for just 38 bucks! Hell the first two X-Men movies on Blu-ray are worth that alone.
It's just insane that someone is expected to look like a drawing.
Are people slow in the head? Hugh Jackman looks like that in a MOVIE, where he had to be greasy and oiled up, he didn't drink water or eat anything for 30 hours prior and he did a 1000 push-ups seconds before they started filming that scene.
This is what he really looks like in 2014...
and if you really think his body in 2000 looks better than THIS, then you good sirs are in fact heterosexual women. :/
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