--- Business In The Front - I mentioned this on Tumblr the other week but it never struck me that Veep's
Reid Scott is cute until he had a beard for all of five seconds this
season, so now I am paying attention, even to projects I normally
wouldn't - he's just signed on for a role in Nancy "Beige Interiors" Meyer's new movie opposite Robert DeNiro and Anne Hathaway; it's called The Intern and he's "a smooth-talking cocky young businessman," you you know no type-casting going on there or anything.
--- And Speaking of folks I couldn't have cared less about until recently, Gemma Arterton was so great in Byzanitum as a vampire minx that I now could care less - that is, I care. Especially when it's Idris Elba she's gonna be co-starring with. They're making something called One Square Mile which she says is about "love, action, and gangsters." Mkay. Hopefully it's about "Idris, Elba, and Nudity" too.
--- Kill List - I hope y'all have been keeping up with Final Girl Stacie Ponder's Friday the 13th tumblr where she's been drawing every single death from that slasher series on a daily basis. It's golden, I tells ya, golden! Well now she wants to give back, and not a machete in the back either - if you have a Tumblr head over there are re-tumble this post here and you'll be entered into a drawing to win one of her pieces of Voorhees-inspired art-work. I have a couple Original Ponders hanging in my house and believe you me they spruce the place up something spectacular.
--- Inland Again - I would make this a "Quote of the Day" post but it's kind of too
vague so I'm sticking it here and we'll see what comes out it - Laura Dern was asked about her fruitful lifetime collaboration with David Lynch and she had this to say about the future:
"I will be working with David Lynch when I'm 80. He is cooking, he's cooking up trouble, and I will be part of that trouble. He's the consummate renaissance man, he just makes art wherever he can get his hands on it. But film, ultimately, I know is his great love, and I think he will always circle back to it. He's definitely cooking."
--- Hit It - The other week we were ogling boxer-turned-actor Victor Ortiz as he turned one of our fantasies into his reality by being sandwiched between and molested by Kellan Lutz and Jason Statham on a red carpet for the latest Expendables - well now comes word that his next movie will be Southpaw, Jake Gyllenhaal's boxing movie. I think Victor reads MNPP and he's just straight-up decided to steal my dream life. I have a new arch-enemy you guys! Amanda Seyfried you can relax for now.
--- Phillip To Philip - Apparently Phillip Noyce, the director of Salt (yay Salt) and other pretty good movies, has been trying to get a movie made out of Philip Roth's book American Pastoral for over a decade, and that it was finding a leading actor was what was so difficult this whole time. Well it seems he's finally found his man - Mr. Ewan McGregor will now star as the blonde Jew named Swede. Anybody read the book?
--- 007 Inches Soft - Nathaniel certainly knows how to grabs my attention - he titled yesterday's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" entry for Goldfinger "We Need To Talk About James Bond's Cock." We certainly do! Always and forever. I mean look at this week's banner, for god's sake. Anyway in all seriousness Nat's piece, dissecting Goldfinger as an impotency allegory, is terrific stuff, go read it.
--- Doctor Von Frank - That new Frankenstein movie starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe and Daniel Radcliffe's horrible horrible horrible long hair is now called Victor Frankenstein, and you can read a synopsis of it over here.Danny is Igor and the movie's from his point of view as he meets and watches the good doctor become the mad doctor of lore.
--- Whip It Out - Hey look it's the first incredibly boring picture of Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades of Grey movie. He sits in a car at some point in the movie, I guess? And he blow-dries his hair? They really should be aiming more for that Interview shoot of Dornan with their visuals. Just straight up put his dick on the poster, wham, movie sold.
--- Gozer Again - In today's non-news Chronicle director Max Landis will not be directing the third Ghostbusters movie, despite what Nikki Finke is saying, but he does have a really terrific opening scene on hand for the movie which he shared via Twitter. I love it!
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