Thursday, May 29, 2014

Broadway Joe Goes For The (Man)Gold

If I were a patient soul I'd save the above picture of Joe Namath doing some naked trimming for tomorrow's "Good Morning, World" post but the thing is I kinda get all excited when the subject of football locker-rooms comes up - I think you'll understand. THR has the news that the long-gestating Joe Namath bio-pic has picked up Walk the Line director James Mangold - Mangold last trained his camera on Hugh Jackman's endless pectorals in The Wolverine, so he has the right kind of practice.

If you've got a long memory and have been traipsing this place for awhile then perhaps you recall that way the hell back in 2007 we were quite, um, enthusiastic, when the rumor surfaced that Jake Gyllenhaal wanted to play Broadway Joe. He was talking about it all the way through 2011. Could it still happen? I think he could easily still pull it off. Hell he might actually be a better fit now with some mileage on him. So stay tuned! We certainly will be. We've been at it already for seven years, for god's sake.

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