Brad Pitt, seen above looking almost as golden as he did in his pretty-boy heyday (he hasn't been this blonde in awhile, no?) is teaming up with Animal Kingdom director David Michôd for a movie adaptation of The Operators, a non-fiction book about the war in Afghanistan; apparently the main thrust of the book is about real-life general Stanley McChrystal. Pitt's been on a war kick lately - since Inglourious Basterds he's already made that WWII tank movie called Fury with director David Ayer (and why am I just now noticing that his character in that movie is named "Wardaddy"? Oh my) which is out in November and he's just recently been attached to another WWII movie with Eastern Promises writer Steven Knight. As for Michôd he's got The Rover coming out in June, which stars Guy Pearce, Scoot McNairy, and Robert Pattinson, and was written by his pal Joel Edgerton... speaking of hey look Joel Edgerton went to the beach last week! Hit the jump for them pictures...
Joel Edgerton looks good but holy moly Brad Pitt looks amazing in that picture.
As Brad Pitt is over 50yo must say that he look amazingly HOT !!
As usual, he is some of those GORGEOUS actors that mature so nicely...
For Joel Edgerton, OOPS! He should have a diet with a big gym schedule...
Sorry, but he's anti-sexy to me..
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