Mood Indigo is the Gondriest of Gondys - it's not a good enough film to be called The Platonic Ideal of Michel's Spotless Mind but my guess is it's probably about as close to what he personally wants out of a movie. Whizz bang whimsy, stop-motion twee-isms, Suessian gobbledegook and girls in cute skirts, it has it all. There are moments where it really properly sings too - a cloud car spinning over a city, an underwater wedding - these are the times when you cherish this weirdo and his madcap visual gifts. But like with The Science of Sleep it's oft in love with its wackiness to its own detriment - you're spending so much time putting together the puzzle of How This World Works that you're kept an elbow's length away from emotionally connecting. But bless him I'll keep going and watching his movies for the rest of time just for scenes like the one where Romain Duris strips naked and sleeps on a dirt pile for employment. That's entertainment.
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