Friday, February 21, 2014

So Who's Going To Pompeii This Weekend?

I haven't bought tickets yet but I think I might still go see Pompeii this weekend anyway. Anybody else? Oh I'm sure it's terrible but I do love a disaster movie, and bonus I can pretend I'm doing research for when I actually go to the real Pompeii in a few weeks. And bonus bonus all that Kit and Adewale flesh on display.

As an aside, does anybody think that Adewale might be gay? Nothing comes up relationship-wise when I look around online, and then there are these pictures which are making my gaydar go kabluey...


Film Excess Movie Review Blog said...

I can't read Adawale.
Tight red pants on an attractive black man is always very confusing.
MJ and Bruno Mars did/do it without apparently being gay. (Although Mars must be at least bi, I think.)
They thunder-strike me with their red-pants confusion!

Jim Steele said...

One can only hope. He was marvelous in Oz.