Thursday, December 05, 2013

It Begins With Spider-Bum

Alright more like Spider-Shoulders-To-Lower-Back, whatever. There's a hint, and I take what I can take. That's the first shot of the just released first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 or whatever the hell they're calling it, I cannot be persuaded to go look it up.
And listen, I know that I'm basically just ogling a special effect or a stunt-man for 96% of my time here, but I don't see why you've all got to ruin my fun. "Meh Andrew Garfield's really flat-butted," y'all say. Andrew Garfield is an international treasure of charm and wonderful acting ability and lanky geeky loveliness, you. I won't hear another word about it.

I am really curious about this movie's structure, aren't you guys? There appear to be three different villains that I;m looking at in it. I kind of like the idea of it being three different battles lined up, one after the other after the other, don't you? That could be interesting, I hope they work it that way. Anyway I didn't take a ton of caps from the trailer because mostly it's Spidey the special-effect whizzing around as the entire city of New York falls on his head or some such, but I took a few. Dane DeHaan is looking freaky-eyed dork-adorable so you'll see some of him, too. Hit the jump and get yo insect superhero on.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Oh my God. Will someone please, please put Dane DeHaan down for a nap?