Thursday, October 17, 2013

Let Us Take A Trip To Budapest

Hey hey the trailer for Wes Anderson's new movie The Grand Budapest Hotel, aka his follow-up to my favorite movie of 2012 Moonrise Kingdom, is here! Watch it! (And you should really make it full-screen to take in all of the splendorous detailing). It is something!
Isn't it something? Any trailer that starts with prominent Ralph Fiennes crotch is something, anyway. But that color scheme! Purple and pink and reddest red. And Tilda as an old lady!
Has anyone heard anything about the aspect ratio though? 97% of what we see is squarish (don't make me name the actual aspect ratio, I am no good at that tech shit), but when they're showing everybody's names it flashes out to a rectangle a few times. Curious!

Also I think his movies are always funny, but this looks much more straightforwardly comic, right? Anyway it is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, as usual.

1 comment:

Ronald said...

That's also what I was thinking, that this looks more out-and-out funny. That seems like a very good thing. And I'm really loving all the reds here. I think red is having a moment? Because it also seems to feature prominently in Her. I really love it, because it's my favorite color, so I can only hope so.