Monday, October 14, 2013

Good Morning, More Gratuitous Daniel Henney

We did a really fine gratuitous post for Daniel Henney way back in 2010 when he was co-starring in the first Wolverine movie (I want to say that "co-starring" makes his role seem bigger than it actually was, but I still haven't actually sat down and watched the first Wolverine movie from start to finish because, dude, life is too short, I just looked up all the naked Hugh Jackman bits and moved on) but seeing as how Daniel Henney looks like he does, there's been more gratuity of him let out into the world since then, thank the stars.

The stars, and other things. (These shots are from a 2012 movie called Shanghai Calling, by the way; you can watch the scene over here.) Henney's done some TV work since then - he was on that Three Rivers doctor show opposite Alex O'Laughlin, and... he was on Hawaii Five-O, opposite, um, Alex O'Laughlin...

Well now they got me thinking dirty thoughts. (As if I weren't there already.) Alright anyway hit the jump for a bunch more, including several really rather amazing shots of Daniel and our favorite "Koren Justin Timberlake" Rain getting up close and personal...

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