Friday, September 20, 2013

Insidious on the Internets

I know everybody's mileage varies, and wildly, regarding the characters played by Leigh Whannell and Angus Sampson in the Insidious movies. I wasn't too enthusiastic about them myself in the first movie, but weirdly I found myself feeling affectionate towards them and their scenes of tonally-shifting comic bumbling in the sequel. But I totally get why you might not. If I'd been in a different mood or seen the movie with a less appreciative audience, who knows how it might have gone. It's like how Jeff Goldblum showed Laura Dern that water drop rolling down two different ways on her hand in Jurassic Park - it's all chaos. Aaanyway the duo are doing a series of web shorts in character to branch out the Insidious name a lil' bit, and the first one is online. (via) Watch it, if you dare!

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