Monday, August 19, 2013

What Are You Looking At

First things first, hey look I found a better picture of Aaron Johnson in his Kick-Ass costume with the bonus chaps. We mooned (heh) over these previously. And yes I did just spend ten minutes photo-shopping whatsherface out of the original picture, so's we could better focus on the spectacle at hand. Second things second, Kick-Ass 2 totes flopped this weekend - anybody bother going to see it? Even with whatsherface they almost got me with all this stuff, but I held my ground. I'll probably still watch it on DVD though. Did anybody see The Butler? Should I bother? From what I hear the main drawing point is The Almighty O, and for a good long while she's just gotten on my nerves, so I've been undecided. Yay, nay?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the type of movie I'm generally drawn to, but Oprah (and her mighty God complex) would take me out of the movie every time she's on screen. Pass.