I love that picture of Edgar Wright and Martin Freeman so, so much. Adorable. So The World's End opens up here in the US this weekend, y'all should be very excited, as I said in my review it's a real pip. Actually I don't think I used the word "pip" in my review, but I would have if I had thought of it. Anyway, pip! IndieWire caught up with Edgar and talked to him about that movie as well as what he's got coming up next (yadda yadda Ant man yadda) and this bit struck me:
"I’ve become more superstitious in this day and age and I think people expect to have hourly updates on every project. Even in the case of "Ant-Man" it's true, twice I was contemplating another project. The chance to do "The World’s End" came up and it was something more personal and it became very clear to us that we had to do 'World’s End' next and also we wanted to. Marvel was great and said, "We can wait. See you in two years." People always say "Why is it taking so long?” and my answer is that "I’d rather see the movie with VFX from 2015 than VFX from 2005" and you can’t argue with that."
It's true, I can't! Once again, Edgar Wright is... wait for it... right. Thank goodness he's not named Edgar Wrong! That would be all... wait for it... wrong! God, I kill myself. Or you do it, whatever. Anyway go read the whole interview (although there are spoilers for TWE, I guess) he also talks a bit about the "straight horror" movie that he's really keen to make, which, um. yes. Yes. I would like that.
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