There are a whole lot of sexy bastards on A Game of Thrones, but with all due apologies to Jon Snow and his brand spanking new and beautiful volcano abs, I think that Joe Dempsie (aka Gendry) might be the sexiest bastard of them all. I began to suspect it that first time they showed him doing his metal-work without anything protecting his upper half, which may be dangerous but all the same sure is appealing; then I really had it cemented for me when he and his so very nearly everything dallied with the Red Priestess.
And now this, this is just pretty much the icing. The underline. The highlighter, and gold star for excellent effort. These are from this 2011 short film called Happy Clapper, which you can watch in full over on Vimeo. And then you can hit the jump where I have capped the entire opening sequence involving, as you see, Joe and his itty bitty most adorable comic book briefs. S'good. S'real good.
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