Thursday, August 29, 2013

Get Carters

How the hell does Anthony Wilcox get to be so lucky? In 2011 he directed a short film called Hello Carter that starred Dominic Cooper in the titular role. And now here in 2013 he's remade that short into a feature-length film, and it stars Charlie Cox in the titular role. Obviously the running theme here is that this Carter person is hot to death, whatever else may be the case. I can't find the original short online unfortunately, all I can find are a few caps here and there. Anybody seen it? Also in the remake is Paul Schneider and Christian Cooke (the latter we've gratutized right here). Basically, Anthony Wilcox has good taste, is my point. Here's an interview with him.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Awww...I feel so loved cause you linked my screencaps. Xd

All I've got is the video clip I made said caps from. Ill email you it.