Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Quote of the Day II

The first half of an interview with Bryan Fuller is up over at HitFix, wherein he talks all about Hannibal - from casting Mads Mikkelsen to that children-being-violent episode they pulled to its hooray-enducing renewal - and you should totally read it. S'good stuff. Especially loved hearing him talk about the show's violence and what separates it from something like Law and Order:

"The more real the murder is, the less interested I am in seeing it. It's hard enough to watch the news. If there's going to be some kind of murder or death tableau investigation, it's gotta be above and beyond something that feels real. So all of these murders have a heightened quality to it. If we were doing real-life, ripped from the headline murders every week, I would swallow a bullet. It's depressing enough to write about murderers, but then to make it real is compounding the problem. So for me, the only way to write this show is to give the villains a larger than life, operatic quality. So I, as the writer, can be very clear that I am writing a work of heightened fiction, as opposed to documenting horrible things that happen every day in the world. Which I have no interest in doing. "

I think Bryan would be very happy to hear that I had an entire night filled with honest-to-goodness Hannibal nightmares last week - you're doing your job, dude! The season finale airs tomorrow night at 10pm on NBC.

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