Tuesday, May 14, 2013

True Kazinsky

A batch of pictures from the next season of True Blood got done released the other day, but the only one that really caught my eye is above - that's new cast-member (and fairy!) Rob Kazinsky, a fellow we gave a big old batch of gratuity to way back in July of 2011. I know, I know - what True Blood doesn't need is new characters. But if they look like Rob I am not going to complain. They could just fill the screen with things that look like that and pan across it for fifity-five minutes each week, and I would probably still watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well lets hope that he takes it off for True Blood, cause Scott Foley sadly didn't last season, 'sigh' what can we do but hopefully the writers this year or for the next part of the year get the nude scenes right and written good for the shows all of them in general cause lately the nudity has been sucking on the male part , just sayin...-Louisfalcony on twitter.