Thursday, May 30, 2013

Good Morning, Gratuitous Keir Dullea

Thank heavens for Tumblr, without which we might have no proof that Keir Dullea, who's turning 77 years old today, spent a whole lot of time in movies taking his clothes off. A lot of these films are pretty obscure now, hard to find, so these obsessives are doing the Lord's work.

For instance these shots of him laying down in the shower are from something called Paperback Hero in 1973, which is about, and I quote from IMDb, "A hockey player in a small town begins to lose his grip on reality, and starts to believe that he is a gunslinger in the Old West." Indeed. Speaking of...
The shot on the left is Keir in costume for 1964's Mail Order Bride, and the shot on the right is him in 2001, of course... although if we're going to make it a fair contest we should post a clearer shot of how supernaturally pretty he was beneath that space-suit in 2001...

Anyway like I was saying, Tumblr was made for such things as sorting out this sort of thing for semi-forgotten stars of yesteryear, bless it. I mean where else would I have ever seen a gif like this:

Don't tell me what's really happening there, I like the way my imagination's filling in the gaps better than any truth could muster. That's from the 1961 movie Hoodlum Priest - what a great title. Moving on...

I posted several shots of Mr. Dullea back in 2009 too, click yonder for those. Also, not all but a lot of the pictures I've posted here are via this Tumblr, which is pretty thorough Keir-wise. And now, if you want nay need more, from fully dressed to significantly less so, hit the jump for them...

1 comment:

Ames said...

Ooooh, I do love him. He's delicious in the cracktastic "Bunny Lake Is Missing".